05 December 2010

Four types of Hypoxia

Update 29 June 2011: This page continues to get hits from people searching for hypoxia information, so I thought I'd also list these hypoxia-related resources:   
I scheduled some time today with my CFI to do a mock oral test and go over areas that have historically tripped up students during the practical test.  It also gave me a chance to get familiar with the engine and airframe logs, since I will need them to prove to the Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) that the airplane we'll use for the checkride is airworthy and legal.

I walked into the FBO with all of my normal gear a few minutes early and went straight into the computer room. My instructor said it looked like I was getting ready to file flight plans, so he stopped and said, "You know we're not going flying today, right?"  Based on the howling noises the FBO building was making in the wind and the fact that it was rattling the doors, he estimated the gusts at well over 30 knots.  I made a phone call to the AWOS and the overly enthusiastic computer-generated dude claimed 28 knots, but I guess the sensors are located on a more sheltered part of the field.  I saw a Travel Air land on 34R as I was driving up, and it looked a bit squirrely.   A Falcon jet landed as I was leaving, and the pilot reported wind shear.  There was none of the usual weekend student traffic today.

So I learned that there are four types of hypoxia. And also how to handle a passenger that can't clear her ears or experiences pain from blocked sinuses during descent:  it might not be a bad idea to throw a bottle of Afrin in my flight bag for that particular emergency.  I need to re-read the aeromedical chapters over closely.  Oh, and now I know that I'll need at least 200 hrs of total time before I can fly and be reimbursed for a charitable flight.

If I manage not to screw up, I'll have one last flight with my CFI next week and then he'll throw me to one of the wolves senior instructors for a final check. They have said that if I can get by them, then the checkride will be a review.  If past check flights are representative then I have no doubts about that. I created my IACRA account this afternoon and my FAA written test is scheduled for next week.

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